Let's get your podcast & social in sync!
The Creative Impostor Studios is teaming up with Betsy Bash to provide integrated social media & podcasting content strategy aligned with your brand, your mission, and your goals. We are in the process of designing packages to create the ultimate experience for you in terms of: 
  1. Auditing your existing content for opportunities 
  2. Launching a new podcast 
  3. Strategy consulting and coaching 
  4. Podcast production, editing & management
  5. Social media & community management
We'd love to meet with you to learn more about what you're up to and discuss how to integrate your content strategy between podcasting and social. But first, we have a few questions to help us optimize our time together. 

We'll review your answers and then reach out to schedule a virtual Podcast/Social Tea Date (aka zoom). Talk soon!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone *
Website (for both your business/organization and your podcast if you have more than one site) *
Your show's name  *
Who referred you or how did you hear about The Creative Bash? *
How long have you been producing your podcast? (choose 1) *
Which BEST describes you as a podcaster? (choose 1) *
Who is your podcast for? (i.e. target audience) *
How would you say your podcast fits into your business or mission right now, or how would you LIKE it to? What purpose does it fulfill? (Choose up to 3) *
How are you already growing or promoting your PODCAST? (check all that apply - feel free to list your own at the bottom.) *
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