Welcome VIP
(very important podcaster!)
I’m creating this space for you. Are you ready to create with me?
My vision is to create an anxiety-free, inviting, supportive space for interaction, collaboration, and forward momentum for those of us who want to use podcasting to shift culture, make a positive impact, and support our own creative, mission-driven self-expression.
Does that sound like YOU?

I’m looking for you IF…
- you are wanting to connect with other podcasters in a constructive, supportive way
- you are happily podcasting along but feel like there’s something you’re missing
- you want to define success your own way and be part of a culture that aligns with that vision
The nuts and bolts will largely be determined by YOU because I believe there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to podcasting.
And of course, you’re not just getting me — but a whole micro-community of podcasters behind you!
How it works
I am currently hosting the VIP service through Patreon.com. This allows me to offer a totally top-secret premium behind the scenes podcast feed for you that goes IN DEPTH into the topics you care about most (because you can ask me your questions and I’ll create a whole episode around them!) and the industry insights I stumble upon.
The premium podcast is Craft & Culture BTS with Podcast Envy and you can get it for just $5/mo.
In the VIP Circle ($29/month for the first 5 members and $49/month after that), you’ll get more than just the podcast — you’ll get live video calls with me and once we have enough members, a private FB group and opportunities to be featured on Podcast Envy.
We’ll decide together where to put our focus. Examples may include:
- Growing your community
- Improving your sound
- Voice & vocal delivery training
- Working through burnout, boredom & overwhelm
- Taking on sponsors, affiliates & strategic partners
- Speaking & mentoring
- Email opt-ins and list building
- Industry trends & growth opportunities
- Guesting on other podcasts
- Social media & outreach diversification
- Niching your message
What you’ll get
- Exclusive podcast feed with strategic content requested by you
- Monthly video/audio interactive master class via Zoom meeting
- Quarterly private big picture pod-dreaming call with me
- Support from a curated group of podcasting colleagues (platform TBD — possibly secret Facebook Group)
- Opportunities to feature your show on Podcast Envy
First 5 founding members (limited time offer) will be $29/month.
The next tier rate for future members will likely be at least $49-79/month but you will be locked in at your original founding rate as long as you want to continue.
What happens next?
Limited spots are available so don’t wait.
I can’t wait to hear more about the show you’re creating!!!
Peace, Love & Podcasting,