You take the mic.

Choose a prompt from the list of my interview titles below and send me a story before we reach 100 episodes about how that phrase (or episode) resonates or has shown up for you in your creative life and/or work so I can share it on The Creative Impostor.

You can write your story or voice record it. Then email it to andrea [at] If you voice record, I’ll edit so don’t worry if you make a mistake — just breathe and keep going. ~Andrea

Focus on the “what” (2 – Nikki Nigl)

Feed your creative hunger (4 – Melissa Dinwiddie)

Be a soul innovator (6 – Alee Reina Hoffman)

Travel out of your comfort zone (8 – Kathryn Pisco)

Ask your inner wise person (10 – Ellen Katz)

Start a conversation (14 – Beth Santos)

Trust yourself (16 – Amy Segreti)

Edit your life (20 – Sage Grayson)

Effort & surrender (21 – Mira Binzen)

Own your choices (23 – Andrea Newberry)

Play dress-up (24 – Darcie Purcell & Susan Marzano)

Craft your story (26 – Isabelle Rizo)

Heal your heart (28 – Lysa Black)

Invoke the spark of transformation (30 – Sara Zalek)

Engage your curiosity (32 – Jennifer Gardner)

Step into your power (34 – Charlotte Elea)

Transform the trauma (36 – Monica Martin)

Make a list (38 – Nikki Nigl)

Give yourself a real shot at your crazy dream (39 – Jen Briney)

Build the community you wish you had (41 – Bree Noble)

Have your ice cream first (43 – Ruth Humphreys)

Break patterns & shift the narrative (44 – Elsie Escobar)

Use your power & privilege for good (46 – Andrea Ranae Johnson)

Become a co-conspirator for social justice (47 – Sarah Dennis & Ashley Lana Scott)

Write your own roles (48 – Fawzia Mirza)

Decide to create your own happiness (50 – Katy Flatau)

Take a risk, solve a problem, learn something new (51 – Nikki Ricks)

Discover your magic (052 – Tonya Gonzalez)

Trust the nudges you’re getting (54 – Samantha Mant)

Let go of that desire for control (55 – Sarah Buino)

Affirm yourself (56 – Kelly Covert)

Cultivate brave space (58 – Licia Berry, Lisa Nalbone, Wendy Parman, Isabelle Rizo, Emily Stroia Gold)

Keep your day job AND your dream (59 – Dylan Rice)

Reduce the friction (60 – David Kadavy)

Commit to yourself (62 – Jeannette Bridoux)

Go on a joyride (63 – Aimee DuFresne)

Stay in the room (64 – Stacey Herrera)

Raise your vibration (66 – Susan Chu)

Seek out tranquility (67 – Kimberly Wilson)

Flip the script (69 – Robyn Conley Downs)

Do one thing that’s completely different (70 – Monica Rivera)

Power your story (71 – Sam Trump, Sam Kirk, Jenny Q)

Recommit to being vulnerable (72 – Matt Marr)

Shift your paradigm (76 – Aya-Nikole Cook)

Get your story out there (77 – Nilsa Reyna)

Command your voice, find freedom (82 – Davin Youngs)

Rehearse! Live and breathe your presentation (83 – Rob Biesenbach)

Burn it — Over and over and over again (84 – Clara Harris)

Devote yourself to the spark within you (85 – Charlotte Elea)

Speak about the hard things (86 – Monica Rivera)

Explore what it means to be worthy (88 – Charlotte Elea)

Learn how to use your voice (and have fun) (90 – Lisa Orkin)

Nourish your gut, feel more like yourself (91 – Brooke Seiz)

Think of yourself as a vocal professional (92 – Wendy Parman)

Stop making stuff that nobody wants (93 – Lucas Spivey)

Reinvent your revenue (and freak out if you need to) (94 – Sami Gardner)

Serve your clients and community (95 – Tina Conroy)

Control what you can (96 – Noel Bosco)

Adapt to something that’s not standard and normal (97 – Michele Thomas)