PE044: Disappointment, or Pick Yourself

PE044: Disappointment, or Pick Yourself

It’s a cultural instinct to wait to get picked. To seek out the permission and authority that comes from a publisher or talk show host or even a blogger saying, ‘I pick you.’

Seth Godin

You all — I’ve been bursting at the seams with this podcasting secret — my production team for Power Your Story made it to the TOP 24 FINALISTS of the Google Podcasts PRX Creator Program!!!!

Yeah — we had an interview with them and we were inches away from one of those 6 slots for teams to be chosen for up to $40K in funding plus awesome mentoring opportunity and… we didn’t get it.

I feel like a deflated balloon.

Read on for more…

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Yes, but, Andrea, what EXACTLY will we be doing?

I don’t know!

Okay… well I do have a pretty good idea but the truth is I don’t want to create something you don’t need just because I think it’s a good idea.

I also want us to be conscientious and intentional with our digital media, our attention, and our time together. And I have some ideas I think are pretty great!

Curious? Apply right now!

Article Cont’d

And then, double whammy, the organization that DOES fund the current version of our show pulled the plug on it for the summer and I’m not totally sure whether we’ll be back in the fall or whether the program is done. 

So the wind got knocked out of me and then I got kicked when I was down.

This program has been THE ONLY THING I have been excited about since my surgery in March of this year. Like the pillar of what gives my work meaning and purpose. Okay… it’s not just that – all of my work has purpose or I wouldn’t do it but THIS, THIS was an opportunity to do something that would really stand out and make a difference.

And this double whammy really brought me to my knees. Actually it was more like a sobbing heap on the floor of my apartment — I think it was even raining that day.

Not this podcast boss’s finest hour.

But I know, I know ,I need to take my own advice from episode 43 — and not get distracted by those big bright shiny objects being dangled before the eyes of us indie podcasters who are trudging away over here.

As my senior Power Your Story producer Aliyah said when I delivered the news “There will be other opportunities. Just let me know when you find the next one.”

Honestly I have this loop playing in my head of Seth Godin’s voice (you know Seth, right? If not, go subscribe to Akimbo right after you finish listening to me.) “Stop waiting to be picked.”

On his blog he writes…

It’s a cultural instinct to wait to get picked. To seek out the permission and authority that comes from a publisher or talk show host or even a blogger saying, “I pick you.” Once you reject that impulse and realize that no one is going to select you–that Prince Charming has chosen another house–then you can actually get to work.

Seth Godin

In one of his fabulous books What to do When It’s Your Turn (and it’s always your turn) he has a page that says:

Avoid certainty.

Pick yourself.

Postpone gratification.

Seek joy.

Embrace generosity.

Dance with fear.

Be paranoid about mediocrity.

See the world as it is.

Be the boss of you.

That’s what I”m trying to do right now.

I’m creating my own opportunities, picking myself, and moving on to the next thing. (But I’m still sad.)

Resources & podcasts mentioned

Power Your Story (produced by my high school students in Chicago — the show that ALMOST got the Google $$)

Walking With Freya with Anne Fricke, episode 033 (interview with me about Power Your Story and working with diverse learners)

Just Podcasting with Carrie Caulfield Arrick, episode 8 (interview with me about Power Your Story)

I was also featured on episode 7 about podcasting as a remedy for depression.

Akimbo (Seth Godin’s weekly dose of genius)

Google Podcasts creator program (the thing we almost got to do, but didn’t — they are doing cool things though!)

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