“So, for people who are at podcast envy, stop envying and start doing.“
~Debbie Arcangeles, The Offbeat Life
The odds of duplicating Debbie Arcangeles’ podcasting success appear to be on par with capturing a real, live rainbow unicorn. Her show, The Offbeat Life, started raking in dollars well before its first anniversary – to the tune of five figures a month – and hasn’t stopped since. So, what’s her secret?
Commitment over cosmic good fortune (although a profile over at Refinery29 didn’t hurt).
Still, Debbie had to deliver if she wanted to capitalize on the unexpected press. “Every single day, I work, and that’s the thing that you have to understand. I’m not necessarily better than you. I just work every single day. And I’m obsessed.” Proof that real, live people (not unicorns) reap well-earned rewards.
Debbie’s location-independent lifestyle didn’t come overnight, even if her podcast success happened at warp speed.
Continued below…
Podcast Angels:
Podcast Envy Pro Pod

Surround yourself with your very own amazing community of podcasting professionals who’ve got your back. Including me, but not JUST me!
The Podcast Envy Pro Pod is launching in 2021 with a highly curated network of creative professionals who podcast (ahem — that’s you!) who will meet monthly in real time to workshop a challenge, question, or opportunity of one of our members.
Additional support will include a one-on-one strategy session with me, an online community hub for asking quick questions, sharing wins and venting podcasting pitfalls, and access to all of my podcasting masterclasses.
Membership is just $99/month, or $79/month when you sign up for the whole year!
To learn more and apply click the link in the show notes for this episode to thecreativeimpostor.com/podcastenvypro
This program is for creative business leaders within any industry or niche with at least 6 months podcasting experience. We will not be covering the basics of “how to podcast,” rather deeper topics for which you can’t just Google the answer or post in a Facebook Group.
The deadline to apply for cohort is DECEMBER 5th, 2020, so don’t wait! There’s no obligation – once you apply, if I think the pod is right for you, you’ll receive and invitation to join.
Together we’ll solve your most pressing questions around growth, sustainability, craft and culture for your show.
Apply for the waitlist for the very first cohort!
Not sure yet? Book a quick call with me and we’ll talk through it together.
My hands down, FAVE platform for recording podcast interviews! Get your free 7-day trial here.
And reach out to book ME to be on your show during that trial so we can test it out together: andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com.
Article Continued
“You can make money right away. You just have to learn how to negotiate. Don’t follow the industry standard and create your own pricing for what you believe in, not what other people are telling you what to do.“
~Debbie Arcangeles
She spent years holding down an enviable but unsatisfying 9-to-5 job while dedicating much of her spare time to something more fulfilling. Eventually, she made travel the centerpiece of her self-made career. The podcast brings her digital content to life, a combination of inspiring interviews and tips for anyone looking to ditch their day job.
“It started out as a way for me to get information out of curiosity and hoping that I could help people, too. If I had these questions, maybe other people had them too.” They did, and her multimedia business snowballed from there.
Debbie’s masterclass, How To Create A Podcast, is a virtual launchpad for podcasters. In it, she guides participants through practical considerations and offers suggestions for monetizing a show. When asked if she wouldn’t mind sharing some of her favorite real-life strategies, she didn’t hesitate – and I’m happy to say there wasn’t a rainbow unicorn in the bunch.
Peace, love, and podcasting!
P.S. Hear more about Debbie’s location-independent lifestyle and travel tales at the crossover episode she recorded for The Creative Impostor.
Connect with me!
Email andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com
Facebook Group The Creative Impostor
Facebook Page @thecreativeimpostor
Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor
LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you’re a Podcast Envy listener.)
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