054: Trust the nudges you’re getting, Samantha Mant, Naturopath, The Holistic Branch

054: Trust the nudges you’re getting, Samantha Mant, Naturopath, The Holistic Branch

“When it does feel vulnerable, that’s an indicator that it’s something that you really desire.” ~Samantha Mant

We have so much more insight into our own bodies and what works for us than anyone else…

Have you ever gotten health or healing advice from a doctor or other practitioner and felt like they just weren’t listening to you or believing you?

What if you could get high level intuitive health advice from a hip holistic healer with a strong clinical naturopathic background and hot pink (blue or purple) hair depending on the day?

What if she could guide you to get in touch with your own body’s natural cycles and biorhythms?

What if your treatment recommendations included food, herbs, flower essences and essential oils?

Today I’m bringing you a conversation with Australian naturopath, Samantha Mant. Working with Samantha is like learning about yourself through the kind advice and insight of a good friend who is super smart and wise. In fact, she’s so good at listening, that I talked about myself WAY too much in this interview and probably should have paid her for a consultation!

“Healing is a journey and I get to hold space for people, and I feel really honored.” ~Samantha Mant

Resources & Links

Tea by the Cauldron – FREE consultation with Samantha to develop a healing plan for you.

Are you curious about what working one-on-one with a Naturopath-Witch entails? Wondering exactly how she mixes her own brand of holistic medicine & Witch flavour together to help people manifest the results they seek?

Pull up a virtual chair and have Tea by the Cauldron!

Flower Essences & Essential Oils

Australian – busch fuschia – throat chakra, communication; dog rose – increases confidence in yourself; Five Corners – increases joy, love, acceptance ; Little Flannel Flower – tap into inner child, making creativity more playful

Bach Flowers – Rock Water – expression & flexibility , Wild Rose – apathy , Aspen – fear of the unknown, Pine – taking creative risks

Essential Oils – Citrus esp Wild or Sweet Orange, Lemon or Lime

The Season of You: Self-Care Holiday Gift Bundle* – digital gifts including meditation, prompts, recipes, a scavenger hunt and more from some of my creative colleagues! Perfect for women who do “too much” — you or someone else you love.

Sounds True* is my go-to resource for guided meditations, self-care resources, tools, trainings, books, and music for meditation and yoga. They also produce one of all-time favorite podcasts, Insights from the Edge, and I look forward to their annual holiday sale to stock up on my listening & reading for the year! That sale is NOW through December 22, 2017.* 

Items in my cart (and recommendations) include: 

Zoo Zen and Yoga Bug book bundle (for children’s yoga)

Awakening Through Sound with Chloe Goodchilde (audio training)

Self-Compassion Step-by-Step with Kristin Neff (audio training)

Room to Breathe with Sharon Salzbergy (guided meditation & home retreat)

Music as Medicine with Nawang Khechog (music Tibetan flute & Native American rhythms)

and ANYTHING by Pema Chodron

*This is an affiliate link, meaning that if you order one (or more) The Creative Impostor will get a thank you bonus from the creators. You support me, I support them, they support you!

NEW! 2018 Creative Collective Studio Memberships available in Chicago AND globally.

You do NOT have to do this alone.

The Creative Impostor Magic page! Get a special gift from Andrea here.

Power Your Story — Created by my high school student podcast mentees!!! Their Thanksgiving Special episode comes out Wednesday 11/22! Subscribe in your favorite podcast app to be the first to get it.

“I actually think if you don’t have that [impostor] feeling, then you’re not doing the right thing.”~Samantha Mant

Connect with Samantha

The Holistic Branch Website

Connect with Andrea


Podcast Envy: Podcast Launch, Craft & Coaching Services
Chicago Women’s Creative Collective

Support the Creative Impostor

Andrea’s Patreon Page — where you can support the show, get cool gifts from me and can become an active participant in the creative community!

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About Samantha Mant

“I’m a self-proclaimed witch, I’m a naturopath, I’m a feminist, I’m a vegan — I kind of tick all the internet’s taboo boxes.” ~Samantha Mant

The Holistic Branch is run by Samantha Mant, a Naturopath & Intuitive Healer, with 17 years experience.

She is also a Writer, Witch, and facilitator of a Facebook community (The Holistic Branch Cauldron) open to all who walk a magickal healing path.

Samantha is on a soul-powered mission to help cultivate a world in which every person trusts their intuition to heal themselves, honour their body and support their own healing journey.

This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine.
The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong.

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