091: Office Hours… Industry Jargon, Preparation & Mindset for New Podcasters

091: Office Hours… Industry Jargon, Preparation & Mindset for New Podcasters

“And then the trick is to know when you have thought enough about it… and it is time to say YES, because there’s the coaching camp that says, ‘Just do it. Just start before you’re ready. Just record something and put it out there. Don’t overthink it.’ And I think, ‘Incorrect. Please, please think about what you’re doing before you just put it out there.'”

~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss

Recently I introduced you two the delightful power-packed podcasting duo Stacie Lampkin and Mike Palazza of the forthcoming podcast, Healthcare Behind the Scenes.

If you haven’t already, go back and check out Episode 090, which is part 1 of our Office Hours coaching session.

Then meet me right back here to learn more about:

  • how to navigate industry jargon on behalf of your listeners,
  • how to choose your podcast format (i.e. listening experience),
  • defining your interview style

Then we try to pin down exactly HOW MUCH preparation you need to do before you just go ahead and put your masterpiece out into the world!

Plus a tough love mindset pep talk from Your Podcast Boss!

Continued below…

Podcast Angel:

Andrea’s Podcasting Faves!

So so so many great products and services and software and tools that keep our podcasts humming happily along. And many of them support Podcast Envy when you use our link or promo code.

Looking for some support with an aspect of your new or current show? Whether it’s email newsletters, transcription and editing software, podcast hosting, cloud storage for bulky audio files… we’ve got you!

Check out some my favorite resources here.

Join the wait list to work with The Creative Impostor Studios

Each year, we partner with a select number of shows on launch, strategy, and production/editing. Right now we are getting ready to select shows for 2022.

If you’re ready for support in crafting a new show of significance or taking your current show to a new level, get on the list and I’ll reach out for a Podcast Tea Date (i.e. complimentary intro call) to see if we’re a match made in podcasting heaven!

Article Continued

“If you’re not willing to go on that growth and change and evolve with how things are, you’re going to give up because it’s just not going to be as rewarding.”

~Andrea Klunder

A refresh to give you some context for Part 2 of my “Office Hours” session with Stacie and Mike.

  • Stacie and Mike have a passion for educating folks on both sides of the healthcare equation: patients and practitioners.
  • Their combined professional knowledge––Stacie’s a pediatric pharmacist turned patient advocate, Mike, a social worker––and experience receiving care make are access points for the audience. 
  • They’re committed to showcasing guest-oriented, story-driven advocacy solutions.

Here are two hot tips from this episode:

Strategies for handling topic-specific jargon depend on your listener. Refer back to item one; it’s all connected. This is why thinking irl terms beats avatars.

Be willing to grow and change. Every podcast, every host is a WIP. Give yourself and your show space to evolve organically.

Are you ready to take the leap?

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Are you crafting a show of significance? Tell me about it. Email me, andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com, DM me or comment on this episode’s thread on Instagram @thecreativeimpostor, leave it in a review at ratethispodcast.com/envy.

Peace, love, and podcasting!

Connect with me

Email andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com
Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor
LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you’re a Podcast Envy listener.)

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