I’m launching a podcast! Impostor Syndrome strikes again…

I’m launching a podcast! Impostor Syndrome strikes again…

“I’m launching a podcast.”

I’ve been saying it for months… researching technology and strategy; watching online trainings; devouring other podcasts to study what works, what doesn’t, what formats I prefer… (*for a cheat sheet of MY favorite podcasts, scroll down to the bottom of this post!)

Podcast Kitchen Edit SmallI have all the equipment and software. There really isn’t much you need, but a quality microphone is key!

I’ve defined my avatar (thank you John Lee Dumas for this tip), a person I’ve created who is my ideal listener, someone for whom I custom design everything about the podcast, and make all my decisions to delight.

I’ve made lists of topic ideas and potential interview guests.

Now all I need is an editorial calendar, an RSS feed, cover art, theme music, a few episodes in the can… and I’m ready to roll!

So what’s the hesitation?

The advice I’ve heard from other podcasters and friends is:

If you want to be, do.

Don’t worry about all the details, just record the podcast and publish.

If we could just find a way to monetize all that knowledge that’s in your head, we’d be great!

But this week my Inner Critic made a big time appearance as well:

Who’s going to listen to your podcast?

But you’ve tried so many other business models and projects and failed… do you want me to list them?

You need money now. Podcasting’s not the answer. Just go get a real job. I bet you’ll find something on Craigslist.

And to make matters worse, it’s totally gray and rainy out today! That just makes me want to curl up on the futon with a cup of steamy black tea, my purring kitty and an inspiring personal development book that will tell me how amazing and smart and powerful I am.

Well… okay.

On one podcast of which I’ve been devouring old episodes, Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, talks about her inner critic, which she calls her Censor and whom she has named Nigel. It is hilarious and insightful — just listen to it!

But I do feel that people who set out to be creative tend to have wells of doubt… I would say, “You’re going to feel the fear, and you’re going to need to go forward anyway.”

…You start to write, and your Censor says, “Oh, you’re so petty!” You say to your Censor, “Thank you for sharing,” and you keep right on writing. You [are], in effect, training your Censor to stand to one side while you create.

I think it’s a good idea to name your Censor, because it begins to make your Censor into a cartoon character, somebody that you can grapple with, instead of the voice of doom from on high that’s condemning you. Your Censor becomes somewhat humorous. Nigel—I don’t remember how I got the name, Nigel. I think it just sort of came to me. I think of him as a gay, British designer, a very, very haughty queen who has his esthetics, and mine will never measure up.

I think when people come to study with me, very often they are perfectionists who are unable to let themselves move forward. They have what they think of as high standards, and they are going to hang on to them or be damned. But by the time they get to week eight out of twelve, they have been dismantling their perfectionist with Morning Pages, because there’s no wrong way to do Morning Pages… There begins to be a degree of self-acceptance, and when there’s enough self-acceptance, there begins to be permission to do something, even if it’s flawed.

…Name your Censor. Cartoon your Censor! Give your Censor a run for his money by saying simply, ‘Thank you for sharing.’

AND as Marie Forleo says in her recent video blog

Change the station on KRAP Radio! That mean voice in your head is not you and not true!

Andrea Podcast EditSo that’s it. Fiona can push $9/hour part-time jobs and previous failures in my face all day long. I’m going to meditate. I’m going to do my Morning Pages (if you want to know how to do either of those thinks, consider my Meditation for Creatives course or just ask!)

I’m launching a podcast. Hold me accountable.

AND I want to hear from YOU! Tell me your stories of your Inner Critic or Censor and how you’re learning to work with, through, around…