Money, Money, Money, Honey: Building Family Legacy

Money, Money, Money, Honey: Building Family Legacy

Don’t be afraid to have the money conversation. I think people tip toe around it, especially if they aren’t accustomed to talking about money, talking about ideas, about money and behavior around money. Just jump in and start the conversation.

Diana Solomon-Glover

Money. We don’t talk about it nearly enough. Given that conversations centered on that word often come with tons of familial baggage, I can understand why. 

Who better to unpack those taboos than a collective of fiscally forward aunties?

Modern aunties are in a position to enhance the financial awareness and even the physical well-being of their families like never before. Those without children, for example, carry different economic burdens than parents; our experiences provide intel that differs from what kids may receive at home. Aunties with offspring of their own lend an inside-out perspective to ideas about earning, spending and sharing the wealth. 

Guests Monica Rivera, Pam Covarrubias, and Diana Solomon-Glover agree that aunties––like parents and grandparents––are motivated to generate abundance for their families. As a result, each of these aunties has taken steps to make that happen! From casual gift-giving to long-range estate planning, they’ve ensured that their legacies have value beyond dollars and cents.     

I tell her that sometimes, too, ’cause she’ll do that too, like “Titi, what did you bring me?”

And I’m like, “Me! Right here. I’m the gift, I’m the surprise, I’m the party all rolled up in one!”

And sometimes she just stares at me and other times she’ll say, “You’re so silly, let’s go play.”

Monica Rivera

I don’t know about you, but my parents didn’t include us in candid money-related discussions. Instead, I picked up on what they telegraphed through actions or verbal cues. Those signals manifested in suspicion of people with money, often placing value judgements on how those folks chose to spend their wealth. 

I would’ve loved an auntie or two to help me sift through the generational effects of economic lack and restriction!

Supplying context for kids is one thing; bestowing concrete auntie affection is another. While I consider myself mindful of the financial example I want to impart to my young nieces, some unconscious actions still need work. Like the desire to bring “a little something” for each of them at every visit.

What’s an auntie to do? 

Even if this round table of aunties doesn’t have all the answers, Diana, Monica, Pam and I hope to inspire aunties that the wealth we contribute to our nieces’ and nephews’ lives is more than the financial assets we leave behind. 

Join the Round Table

Ask your question for “Ask Aunties”, share a “Proud Auntie” or “Cool Things Aunties Do” moment, tell a “How NOT to Auntie” tale, or tag us on IG @improvewithauntie in your fave auntie posts. Upload audio files here.

Or email your story to Andrea: andrea [at]


Mentioned in This Episode

More Than Money with Jaquette Timmons 



Key Change podcast featuring Diana

The Creative Impostor featuring Pam

The Creative Impostor featuring Monica

Connect With Our Guests

Monica Rivera

Pam Covarrubias

Diana Solomon-Glover

Auntie Wit & Wisdom


“It’s an interesting dance that I have to navigate constantly because, as a daughter of immigrants, the story that I carry is work has to be really hard, or we have to work really hard to make money. And so I personally, as a human, I have to constantly remind myself like, okay, go rest, go have fun.”

“History shows that when women have money, communities change, you know, cities grow, everyone, everything gets better. And so, really honoring that part of ourselves that we may not sometimes feel that we’re quote equipped in whichever way, but knowing that as we continue to create and generate currency and or money or however we name it, we’re making changes.”


“I think most children are open to listening. I think a lot of times you don’t necessarily give them enough credit.” 

“Make sure that the words that we’re putting out into the air are words that are going to make them feel empowered and capable and motivated and encouraged as opposed to feeling really fearful and anxious and all those other things about money.”


“It’s okay to make opportunities and experiences and material things available, but you have to also make sure that children understand the value of things, that there is a cost.”

“People may have the idea that, you know, it’s too late to bother with these things, and I just want to say it is never too late. It is never too late to start educating yourself about money, to start talking about it with people, to learn about how money works in the world.”

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