Give Me The Content You Promised with Andrea Klunder

Give Me The Content You Promised with Andrea Klunder

And it is one thing if I have to skip forward past your ads, but skipping forward through your content? That is quite another thing.”

~Andrea Klunder

It is a new year and it is time for a good old fashioned Podcast Boss Rant. Are you ready? 

This year I am creating SOPs, or Standard Operating Procedures for The Creative Impostor Studios. Boring. But I guess a necessary thing if you want to create a scalable business that grows, that doesn’t make your brain hurt every time you try to bring on a new team member, or remember how you did the thing or try to build some consistency or whatever, but this is not an episode, nor a rant about SOPs. 

This is a rant about CONTENT.

Little known fact: I learn most of what I know about business from listening to podcasts. 

So much so that I bought the domain because I thought that maybe one day I could create a curriculum. As my client, Sarah Buino likes to say “™ ™ ™” – That’s my idea. 

In any case, I learn everything that I know about business, mostly from listening to podcasts. And this is one of the ways that I use podcast apps – particularly the Apple Podcasts app. And if I was an Android user, probably the Google Podcasts app – as a search engine in order to find the information that I currently need to know in order to move forward in my business (or life.) 

So, as I mentioned, I decided this year that I was going to create SOPs and I even hired a brand new team member named Jessi (hi Jessi!) who is going to be helping me create those SOPs. 

I knew I needed to create them. I knew what they were. But I wasn’t really sure how I was supposed to go about doing that. And so I went to the trusty Apple Podcasts app, typed in  “Standard operating procedures” looking to my podcast grad school for the answers. 

Continued below…

Andrea’s Podcast Angels

Bri Seeley, Entrepreneur Coach

Ready to take the next huge leap forward in your business? Could you use support, guidance, and accountability?

Check out Bri Seeley’s Quantum Immersion for Business Growth

You can hear my interview on Bri’s podcast The Success Diaries here.


So so so many great products and services and software and tools that keep our podcasts humming happily along. And many of them support Podcast Envy when you use our link or promo code.

Looking for some support with an aspect of your new or current show? Whether it’s email newsletters, transcription and editing software, podcast hosting, cloud storage for bulky audio files… we’ve got you!

Check out some my favorite resources here.

Join the wait list to work with The Creative Impostor Studios

Each year, we partner with a select number of shows on launch, strategy, and production/editing. Right now we are getting ready to select shows for 2022.

If you’re ready for support in crafting a new show of significance or taking your current show to a new level, get on the list and I’ll reach out for a Podcast Tea Date (i.e. complimentary intro call) to see if we’re a match made in podcasting heaven!

Article Continued

People are busy. People have tons of things to do with their time. People have tons of shows to listen to. Don’t waste your listener’s time.”

Andrea Klunder

And to my delight, a whole list of options popped up for me. Let’s look right now… Firefighter Training Podcast, nah! Small Farm Sustainability Podcast, no. 

Walking with God, probably not. Aviation Podcast: the finer points, nope. Weddings For Real… There are a whole lot of super niche podcasts in this search. 

However, with a few tweaks to my keyword search, I did find some very promising episodes and added them to my queue. 

I am not going to list all of them here. And I am not going to call anyone out by name necessarily. 

But I will tell you that I was particularly excited about one, because it was a show specifically created by podcasters for podcasters about creating standard operating procedures. Perfect. This episode was going to be about 44 minutes long. And I knew that I was going to get a ton of value from that. 

There was another one from a coach that I had never heard of that sounded promising, but then when I added it, I realized it was only 10 minutes long and I was thinking: What am I going to learn about creating SOPs in 10 minutes?

Well, it’s only 10 minutes, so it can’t hurt!

So I was driving in my car and I started with the 44-minute podcast specific episode on creating SOPs. 

Which episode (if any) do you think gave me the content I was looking for?

You’ll have to listen to the episode to find out!


Kyshira Moffett

The Brand Your Power Podcast

Bri Seeley

An ancient Podcast Envy episode featuring Bri

My interview on Bri’s show, The Success Diaries

5 Questions You Haven’t Asked About Your Podcast

Hello Audio

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Are you crafting a show of significance? Tell me about it. Email me,, DM me or comment on this episode’s thread on Instagram @thecreativeimpostor, leave it in a review at

Peace, love, and podcasting!

Connect with me

Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor
LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you’re a Podcast Envy listener.)

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