Podcasting Doesn’t Work! (And here are some reasons why according to the research)

Podcasting Doesn’t Work! (And here are some  reasons why according to the research)

We ALWAYS hear that podcasting has become so saturated — with over 4 million registered podcasts on the books —  literally everyone has a podcast these days, so the marketplace is far too crowded to be successful now!

~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss

I’m here with some disheartening news.

Podcasting doesn’t work. 

Now, before you throw up your hands and click to the next thing in your feed, before you scroll by, before you get defensive… let me tell you how I’ve come to this conclusion.

This article was originally recorded as a live stream, and then edited as a podcast episode for Podcast Envy. You can catch future streams by following me on Instagram @thecreativeimpostor, LinkedIn @andreaklunder, or YouTube @thecreativeimpostor. You can listen to the podcast audio version in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, your favorite podcast app.

I’ve been in this space as a podcaster since I created my first show, The Creative Impostor in 2015. 

I’ve become a launch consultant and editor for small business owners and indie creators. 

I’ve produced award-winning and internationally recognized podcasts for non-profit organizations. 

I’ve spoken on stages across the country about the medium. 

I’ve created a 6-figure business out of one little old podcasting idea.

My team and I have: 

  • produced and edited over 2000 episodes, with or without accompanying blog posts
  • created thousands of social media assets
  • worked on solo shows, interviews, panels, et
  • crafted narrative audio documentaries
  • set up home or office studios
  • recorded in professional sound studios
  • recorded on location, backstage and more. 
  • created proof of concept series that got picked up by major news channels
  • collaborated on listening tours
  • captured audience reactions at world opera premieres 

And yet, in the year 2024, here’s what I’m seeing: 

  • download numbers stagnating or dropping
  • big network (and big budget) shows I LOVE to listen to getting cut
  • indie shows with hundreds of episodes closing shop 
  • Spotify (who is basically the self-proclaimed corporate boss of podcasting now) drastically cutting back on their pod-spend, laying off over 1500 staff members, and dropping critically acclaimed shows left & right
  • ad rates tapering off, frequency of ads per episode INCREASING (much to my listening dismay) 
  • clients with solid numbers wondering why it hasn’t translated to sales
  • social media algorithms getting harder and harder to appease (or is that just me?!)

And if that’s not enough, I’ve been reading market research and industry reports. Scroll down for some cold hard stats!

Continued below…

Get Connected

Prove me wrong!

I’m working on something and I need your help.

Tell me how podcasting IS working for your organization, business, company, or brand.

I am looking for 100+ ways to successfully leverage podcasting and IF we can get to this number, I’ll share what I’ve discovered in a curated private podcast feed for YOU!

To be a part of the 100+ Ways to Leverage Your Podcast project…

Email me andrea [at] thecreativeimpostor.com – subject line: Podcasting DOES work! and tell me a little bit about what your show is doing for you (and your org, business, company or brand.

You can send a text response or voice recording and I’d LOVE to publicly share your show and some gratitude for your brilliant contribution on a future episode of Podcast Envy.

Here’s a template for what to say:

  • Hi my name is… 
  • Our company/organization/business is…
  • Our podcast is called…
  • Our show has successfully helped us to…
  • Bonus points, if you wanna tell me how it is that it has helped you to do that thing.

I’m officially collecting ideas through the month of February 2024, so don’t wait! (And if you’re catching this AFTER that time, reach out anyway and see how we can include your show.)

“The median audience growth rate for podcasts month over month is 1.62%. By comparison TikTok growth rates have been reported as high as 200- 2000% (depending on the source.)”

Andrea Klunder

Article Continued

So here are some cold hard stats for you (compiled from various reputable sources — not clickbait-y headlines  – like Sounds Profitable, Edison Research, Podcast Marketing Academy, etc)

  • Only 44% of new podcasts launched make it past 3 episodes.
  • Most shows get less than 500 downloads per episode per month.
  • On average, once someone clicks on a podcast episode, they generally listen to 65% or LESS of the podcast (and never make it to the end.)
  • The median audience growth rate for podcasts month over month is 1.62%. By comparison TikTok growth rates have been reported as high as 200- 2000% (depending on the source).
  • The fastest growing podcasts spend over $1000 per month and 12 hours per WEEK on production & marketing for their show.
  • Social media is at once cited as the MOST effective marketing channel for growing your podcast AND the LEAST effective marketing channel (in the same study.)

Plus we ALWAYS hear that podcasting has become so saturated — with over 4 million registered podcasts on the books —  literally everyone has a podcast these days, so the marketplace is far too crowded to be successful now!

AND just to be sure — I asked Chat GPT – (I know I’m so original, right?)

Here are some of the problems with podcasting (according to the Bot)…

  • Target audience mismatch
  • Resource intensive 
  • Long time to see results 
  • Saturation (4 million podcasts)
  • Lack of consistency (host/producer problem)
  • Limited metrics 
  • Complexity of production
  • Accessibility issues
  • Dependence on platforms 
  • Short attention spans (audience problem)
  • Limited interactivity (platform problem)
  • Inconsistent revenue streams 

Who in their right minds would ever start a podcast at this point in time?! 

And who has a podcast that is actually working for them?

I mean, it’s statistically impossible that that could be the case according to all of this information and all of these metrics and statistics!

My Call to Action to YOU

Prove me and the chatbot AI overlords wrong. 

Tell me how on earth it is that your business, your company, your organization, it’s successfully using podcasting as part of your strategy. 

Send me email: andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com with text or a voice memo (which I may play on a future episode of Podcast Envy!) Subject Line: Podcasting DOES work!

I want to hear from you no matter the size of your audience, the longevity of your show, the type of show. I just need some proof of life here. I want to hear what IS working for you.  (So I don’t quit the podcasting biz forever.)

And if you suspect there may be a part 2 to this episode, you might be right! Part 2 of Podcasting Doesn’t Work! coming soon to a social media platform/ live stream/ video replay/ audio podcast platform near you.

Connect With Me

Email: andrea [at] thecreativeimpostor.com

IG: @thecreativeimpostor

LinkedIn @andreaklunder 

Recommended Resources (i.e. from whence I pulled some stats)

Podcast Marketing Trends 2023 Report from Podcast Marketing Academy

Sounds Profitable Research & Studies (yeah I’m going to be dancing with video on a future episode)

StreamYard (the software I’m using for live streaming & recording)

Podcast Angel: Bookshop.org – get books online, support independently owned bookstores, support Podcast Envy! 

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