041: Build the community you wish you had, Bree Noble

041: Build the community you wish you had, Bree Noble

“You can’t expect to get paid at first because you haven’t honed your craft on stage… you need to learn what is going to give you confidence on stage, how to communicate with the audience, how to make your stage show interesting… and once you’ve accomplished that, then you will feel super confident and you’ll feel like, yeah, maybe I could really make money from this because the product that I offer is good.” ~Bree Noble

Art and business…

It can be SO challenging for us creatives to think of our art in terms of business — and to find the courage to ask for money for what we create?! AHHHHH!!!!!

Bree Noble, founder of Women of Substance Radio and Female Entrepreneur Musician is helping talented women do just that. Bree left her day job as director of finance at Opera Pacific to hustle her way as a singer-songwriter, giving her passion a a chance and now she has rolled everything she learned into a supportive community and mentorship program of and for female musicians who want to thrive.

“I listened to the radio… and I’d be like how come over 80% of these songs I’m hearing are by men and it frustrated me because I knew there was so much talent out there.” ~Bree Noble, on why she started Women of Substance

Connect with Bree…

Women of Substance Radio on Apple Podcasts

Women of Substance Radio on the Web
Female Entrepreneur Musician & Academy


Connect with Andrea…

Chicago Women’s Creative Collective

Resources & Links…

The Creative Impostor Magic page! Get a special gift from Andrea here.

Support the Creative Impostor…

Andrea’s Patreon Page — where you can support the show, get cool gifts from me and can become an active participant in the creative community!

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“With just women, they were willing to be more open and honest with each other and ask for support and not feel like they look weak if they have a bad day because we all understand.” ~Bree Noble on community &

About Women of Substance Radio & Podcast

Women of Substance Radio is an Online Radio Station started by Bree Noble in 2007 that plays the BEST music by female artists in all genres. Bree’s vision for the station from the outset was to promote quality female Indie Artists by providing a platform where their music could be heard alongside icons of the past.

The Women of Substance Music Podcast launched in November 2014. A new episode is released every weekday (5 days per week) highlighting new Indie Music added to WOSRadio.  After over 300 Episodes, we’ve had an amazing 150,000 downloads. We’ve also achieved the coveted Top Spot in iTunes New & Noteworthy in all 3 of our categories (Music, Art, Society & Culture( and the #2 Audio Podcast in all of iTunes.!   AND, in Janaury 2016, our show was awarded a prestigious “Podcasters Paradise Award” for “Most Creative Podcast”.

About Bree

Bree Noble quit her corporate job as a Director of Finance to pursue music. After a successful run as a touring singer/songwriter, she founded Women of Substance Radio to promote quality female artists in all genres. The daily Podcast of the same name hit #1 in New & Noteworthy in all 3 of it’s categories and #4 Audio Podcast on all of iTunes. On her 2nd Podcast, Female Entrepreneur Musician (also #1 in New & Noteworthy), she conducts interviews with successful Indie female artists and industry pros that are both inspirational and informational. Drawing on her extensive experience, Bree has created online courses to help musicians learn to make a living from their music. Her most popular offering is an online training and mentoring community exclusively for female musicians called the “Female Musician Academy”

“I could never count myself successful if I wasn’t being authentic because it wouldn’t be me. It would be like this other person doing it and I’d be outside of myself watching somebody else do the things.” ~Bree Noble

This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine.
The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong.

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