CI103: Pitch your true self with Cher Hale

CI103: Pitch your true self with Cher Hale

“People are very reticent to pitch themselves… Don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back from putting yourself out there when you know you can be helpful — when you really feel that inside of you.”

~Cher Hale, director and founder at Ginkgo Public Relations

Raise your hand if you’ve experienced a new wave of creator impostor symptoms since shelter-in-place orders began. You’re not alone.

When crisis strikes – world-wide and well outside our control – the brain turns up the volume on negative self-talk, making it next to impossible to pitch ourselves. We wonder about our ability to serve our communities. We downplay our hard-fought experience. We worry about appearing insensitive.

Stop it. 

Cher Hale, owner of Ginkgo Public Relations, says your message still matters – now more than ever. So long as the tone remains authentic.

Continued below…

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Article Continued

“You don’t have to be everything to everyone. You can be like the seed in the soil, right? Just like getting ready to bloom”

~Cher Hale

As a PR pro for content creatives of all sorts (authors, podcasters, etc), it’s Cher’s job to position her clients as authorities. She understands firsthand the struggle to strike a balance between offering supportive content and not coming across as exploitative. 

Her advice for confused creative imposters? Stay in your lane no matter how compelling a similar creative’s 180º pivot appears. Whether that means shifting to daily Facebook Live postings or putting your business on pause, stay genuine.

Love that reminder!

Cher’s guidance is equally grounded when it comes to self-care or self-promotion. Since most of us are the only megaphones our brands have, managing personal energy is just as important as planning pitches. Her common-sense encouragement is loaded with tactics that don’t require a PR firm (or spa day) to execute. 

Ultimately, Cher reminds us that we’ve created something; we’re experts at that! A crisis shouldn’t radically alter our fundamental message or our ability to support the communities we’ve built. 

Pitch your true self out there – when you’re ready.

Connect with Cher

Gingko PR



Mentioned in this episode

Cher’s Pitch List!

30 Minute Italian Podcast

Unf*ck Your Brain podcast

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