Doing Less More Effectively with Sarah Steckler

Doing Less More Effectively with Sarah Steckler

A lot of times, we hinder ourselves in our productivity by not believing in ourselves enough, not trusting in our ability enough.”

~Sarah Steckler, Mindful Productivity Podcast

Episode Transcript (AI generated)

What is it about a new year that sends me deep into my productivity feels? ‘Tis the (well-marketed) season for shiny new projects over thoughtful annual assessment. For tidal waves of bigger! better! concepts vs. gentler tides of introspection. 

So, who else besides me needs a life vest to keep from drowning under a productivity deluge? 

Truth: I have a complicated relationship with productivity. 

I love ideation! The planning and post-its that go along with unfettered dreaming. I also realize the undeniable benefits of reflection and creating at a more measured pace. I’m guessing many of you feel the same way but, like me, are reluctant to name this thing for fear of scaring off your next great podcast, product, or program. 

Sarah Steckler feels our pain. She’s a productivity strategist and educator who helps folks bring more intention and awareness to their personal, professional, and creative mindsets via courses, planners, and weekly newsletters. Sarah’s also the host of the Mindful Productivity Podcast, on which she breaks down proven productivity skills and entrepreneurial organization strategies into totally doable, sustainable habits.

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Sarah Steckler

The Mindful Productivity Podcast has an episode to answer any question about the realistic management of creative expectations and energy. That practicality has gained Sarah 250,000+ downloads since she began podcasting in 2018.

Even more impressive, however, is her ability to address universal productivity anxieties in such a way as to make her solutions evergreen. Seriously. We recorded this conversation back in 2020, and it feels as relevant and insightful today as it did then.

As you might expect from someone who takes a mindful approach to productivity, Sarah’s strategies begin with taking inventory––and quelling our fears of failure. “People ask me how I get so much stuff done. One thing people may not touch on enough is how do you define your own version of success? How do you define your version of what productivity looks like?” 

Sarah reminds us to take the smaller steps when we’re feeling overwhelmed by productivity adrenaline, especially the tasks that have seemingly little direct impact on our larger aspirations. Eventually, they will. Being more productive doesn’t necessarily mean doing more stuff, says Sarah. “It’s doing less, more effectively, right?”

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How are you defining productivity these days? What are your biggest challenges when it comes to your podcast?  Whether you’re new to podcasting or you’ve been producing your show for a while, we’d love to hear your ideas and inspiration and answer any questions you may have about podcasting on an upcoming “Hey, Andrea…” episode of Podcast Envy. 

Email me and put Podcast Envy in the subject line. You may just get a shout out for your show, along with an answer to your question or a little validation for your idea on a future episode.

Peace, love, and podcasting!

Mentioned in this Episode

PE079: Better goal setting for podcasters with Kelly Covert

Connect with me

Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor
LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you’re a Podcast Envy listener.)

Connect with Sarah






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