“I always say, lovingly, people are selfish.
~Lauren Ramsey, Betsy Bash
They wanna know what’s in it for them. If your social media is not targeting their exact interests and desires and problems they’re trying to solve, that might be why you’re losing them.”
The summer slowdown… it’s the PERFECT time to do a bit of business development that is actually FUN! This year, Lauren Ramsey of Betsy Bash and I decided to team up to help you with this conundrum of feeling like you are constantly on the content hamster wheel generating podcast episodes, generating social media posts, making TikToks and reels, trying to figure out what the heck to put on YouTube, trying to figure out what the algorithms want…
The problem is you often end up and you have these silos of content that are not at all integrated and you’re working hard at trying to fill all of these silos. And then on top of that, it feels like you’re not really sure whether it’s working or doing anything. And on top of THAT, you’re not a media company. You’re supposed to be doing all this other work, which is the actual work of the thing that you’re supposed to be doing, and this feels like a distraction and you’re not really sure how it’s supporting the work.
So we are here to streamline this process for you so that you’re not spending as much time and energy and frustration on trying to figure out who, what, when, where, why, what on earth are we doing on any of these platforms?
Continued below…
Podcast Angels
Podcast Envy Masterclass
Our next class is June 29, 2023 featuring Lauren Ramsey!!! How To Grow Your Podcast Like a Social Media Influencer
Get ready to level up your purpose-driven podcasting experience! 50% off Promo Code: VIPinvite

The Creative Bash
Request an invitation for a virtual tea date (zoom) with Andrea & Lauren Ramsey to see how we can help you craft and implement your integrated podcast + social content strategy!

Let’s Refresh YOUR Podcast Together
Worried your show might be a little too boring? Find out if a Podcast Envy Refresh is a match made in podcasting heaven for you and your show.
This starts to make the whole ecosystem that you’re creating for your brand something that your audience can just pour themselves into, in whatever way they happen to be consuming content and interacting in the online space in that moment.
Andrea Klunder
It gives them a way to respond. It gives them a way to interact whether or not they actually ever listen to your whole long form podcast.
And if they are listening to your whole long form podcast, this gives them another way to stay engaged in between episodes, in between seasons.
It keeps them connected, it keeps feeding that relationship and making it stronger and stronger and stronger.
Article Continued
Why is it important to sync your content across your podcast, social, and other marketing channels? Lauren says, “Your audience is seeing all of those channels. So if they don’t match, if they’re not aligned, people can feel that. Whether or not they realize it consciously, they are realizing it subconsciously and it negatively impacts their perception of your brand. Which is really hard to get rid of later. Right? Like how do you change someone’s subconscious?”
Your social media exists to pull people towards your brand. It’s there to create a community around your brand. So if it’s not aligned with what your podcast marketing goals are, that’s a huge miss.
Not to mention… you’re burning a lot of time, energy, and resources.
So what to do?
- Know what your audience wants & needs. Then give it to them! HINT: Your audience may not be the same on each platform.
- Get creative with content you’ve already generated through your podcast! Branch out from just audiograms or just new episode announcements. Embrace video, swipe carousels, and more. HINT: It helps if you know what the algorithm of your particular platform prioritizes at any given time.
- Practice social selling (not in a spammy way) by engaging with your audience one-on-one through social. HINT: This is NOT limited to your followers.
- Make a show your guests WANT to share, ask them to share it, and make it easy for them to do.
- Analyze your analytics (!) to see what is and isn’t working for you — do more of what works, stop what doesn’t!
- Join Lauren & me for the 6/29 Podcast Envy Masterclass & get 50% off with promo code: VIPInvite.
- Ready to dig in deep? Request a complimentary session with Lauren & me to see if The Creative Bash is just what you need right now!
Connect With Me
Email: andrea [at] thecreativeimpostor.com
LinkedIn @andreaklunder (I only accept connection requests from people I know — include a message letting me know that you listen to Podcast Envy.
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