Go To Sleep… My Nighttime Podcast Playlist

Go To Sleep… My Nighttime Podcast Playlist

“I have my morning motivation shows (mostly business, industry, personal finance, and entrepreneurship), afternoon brain fog (entertainment, pop culture, lifestyle), and nighty night (more related to the quality of people’s voices and the music choices and definitely LACK of annoying ads that are louder than the content or with too boisterous of music.)”

~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss

March 12 – 18 is Sleep Awareness Week. Created by the National Sleep Foundation, it’s a call to action for the public to recognize your sleep is a crucial part of your health and well-being. 

Now, I’m not a doctor, or a scientist, or a therapist, but I agree!

So I’m sharing with you some of my FAVORITE nighty night time podcasts to help you wind down and fall asleep.

Continued below…

Andrea’s Podcast Angels

Ever wanted to fall asleep with your headphones on? Now you can!

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Let’s prepare your podcast to launch into the world together! Book a Virtual Tea Date with Andrea to see if you’re ready for the Podcast Envy DIY+ Launch.

Article Continued

“Sometimes I listen to it in the morning and then I listen to it again in the evening because I want things to soak into my brain while I’m sleeping.

Andrea Klunder

Start winding down:

Spooky stories:

Be well as you drift off: 

Full on fall asleep:

*BonusSleep Whispers with Harris — waaaay back I contributed meditation content for Harris to whisper to you.

September 18, 2017 – Thoughts Like Water

Jan 21, 2018 – Body Scan 

June 9, 2018 – The Sound in the Forest

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If you LOVE the idea of picking my brain about your favorite podcasting curiosities, mysteries, and conundrums… please don’t “Pick your brain” is such a gross phrase and if you ask me if you can do it… I will say no thanks.

BUT if you send me an email that starts with Hey Andrea… I probably won’t be able to resist and if I think it’s a question our audience can learn from, I’ll give it a go on a future episode of Podcast Envy. 

Email me and put Podcast Envy in the subject line. You may just get a shout out for your show, along with an answer to your question or a little validation for your idea on a future episode.

Peace, love, and podcasting!

Connect with me

Email andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com
Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor
LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you’re a Podcast Envy listener.)

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