PE065: The Power of In-Person Connection with Adela Mizrachi

PE065: The Power of In-Person Connection with Adela Mizrachi

“We will lose something very, very fundamental to what it is to be human if we start interacting solely online.

~Adela Mizrachi, Podcast Brunch Club

Want an inspiring story about the power of personal passion coupled with organic audience growth? Excellent because we’re talking six continent expansion! 

Looking to add just one more podcast to your queue? Great!

Podcast Envy is about to tumble down the glorious rabbit hole that is Podcast Brunch Club, a “little weird project” Adela Mizrachi created in 2015 as a way to get together with like-minded listeners (as opposed to creators) for food, conversation and podcast camaraderie.

Continued below…

Podcast Angel:

Launch Your Podcast Online Class

Tune in for this interactive overview of crafting a podcast you and your audience will love! Thursday July 9, 2020

Podcast Envy Office Hours

Downloads, stats, sponsors… meh! How do you REALLY define a successful podcast? Join the discussion and get some fresh insight for YOUR show during Office Hours Tuesday July 14, 2020.

So whether you’re dreaming of having your own show, or you already do and you’re tired of trying to figure it all out alone, you don’t have to. Let’s do it together!

Article Continued

“The other really awesome thing about Podcast Brunch Club is like, it’s not just that everybody comes from a starting point of knowing what a podcast is…but they’re coming from a starting point of being curious enough and interested enough to get together with other people to talk about it.

~Adela Mizrachi

Today, the book club for podcasts boasts 80 chapters around the globe and has recorded close to 100 of its own episodes – all in just five years. Half a decade might seem like slow going (especially to podcast newbies), but Adela adheres to the don’t force it model of community creation.

She didn’t secretly harbor aspirations for global domination beyond a favorite brunch spot in Chicago. When a friend approached her about using the PBC template for a group in Switzerland, the first international chapter was born and the simple mission expanded beyond Adela’s original intent. “The point is getting together and talking. [The] podcast playlist is just a jumping-off point,” she says.

With the pandemic shuttering restaurants and drastically limiting gatherings, in real life feels like a foreign concept now. The pause is giving Adela time to consider ways of finally monetizing her highly successful “little weird project”. In the meantime, she spends her free time working on the PBC podcast and its social media. 

Her inclusive approach to monthly playlist curation has cut down on her prep hours. She outsources the task to her community – people who share her love of podcasts even if they don’t share common taste. “I think the beauty of Podcast Brunch Club is giving everybody else a voice and giving everybody else the space to talk to each other.” Eventually, in person and with waffles. 

Peace, love, and podcasting!

Connect with Podcast Brunch Club

Podcast Brunch Club

PBC Podcast




Mentioned in this episode


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