“I wanted to have a platform where there could be messy conversations.“
~Lisa Lackey, Insideout Conversations
Question: What to do when your podcast is technically and thematically sound but…
- your engagement numbers could use some improvement?
- your show’s promotional voice doesn’t reflect your evolution as a podcaster?
- your strategy for reciprocal social media sharing, shout-outs, and tags is non-existent?
Answer: You listen in (and take notes) while I perform pod-triage!
So, about our triage candidate. Lisa Lackey is a multi-hyphenate success. Co-founder of Insideout Living, an addiction and trauma healing center in Chicago, this licensed psychotherapist is a professional speaker, a group facilitator, an anti-racism consultant and trainer, relationship healer, and (you guessed it) a podcaster.
So, about her show. Lisa created Insideout Conversations in 2018 as a safe space where messy conversations could take place. Since its inception, the podcast has enjoyed positive response and generated interest in Lisa’s services.
It’s also happily outgrown the confines of her original vision. What began as a passion project has become a real professional asset. With that in mind, Lisa’s come to me not for wholesale renovation work, but for clear, actionable goals that she can accomplish—without sacrificing her other endeavors.
Continued below…
Podcast Angels:
Podcast Envy Pro Pod

Surround yourself with your very own amazing community of podcasting professionals who’ve got your back. Including me, but not JUST me!
The Podcast Envy Pro Pod is launching in 2021 with a highly curated network of creative professionals who podcast (ahem — that’s you!) who will meet monthly in real time to workshop a challenge, question, or opportunity of one of our members.
Additional support will include a one-on-one strategy session with me, an online community hub for asking quick questions, sharing wins and venting podcasting pitfalls, and access to all of my podcasting masterclasses.
Membership is just $99/month, or $79/month when you sign up for the whole year!
To learn more and apply click the link in the show notes for this episode to thecreativeimpostor.com/podcastenvypro
This program is for creative business leaders within any industry or niche with at least 6 months podcasting experience. We will not be covering the basics of “how to podcast,” rather deeper topics for which you can’t just Google the answer or post in a Facebook Group.
Once you apply, if I think the pod is right for you, you’ll receive and invitation to join.
Together we’ll solve your most pressing questions around growth, sustainability, craft and culture for your show.
Apply for the waitlist for the very first cohort!
Not sure yet? Book a quick call with me and we’ll talk through it together.
Article Continued
“Whenever I’m looking at podcast marketing and thinking about how it should work, it should always be NOT that you’re just trying to market the podcast. And NOT just that the podcast is trying to market your business. It should be both.
~Andrea Klunder
Maximum impact with minimal messing around? Yes! It can be done!
I recorded our coaching session in hopes that the universality of Lisa’s concerns – and my subsequent recommendations – will help you address some of your own pesky, bullet-pointed riddles.
There’s no one size fits all approach, of course; every podcast is unique in its method, motive, and meaning. There is, however, tremendous value in eavesdropping on a client as they tackle questions, make revelations, and even express feelings of overwhelm—all in real time.
Peace, love, and podcasting!
P.S. Lisa Lackey is a client of The Creative Impostor Studios. And you could be too!
Book your own free Office Hours session with me here!
Listen to Insideout Conversations with Lisa
Insideout Conversations Podcast
Connect with me
Email andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com
Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor
LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you’re a Podcast Envy listener.)
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