032: Engage your curiosity, Jennifer Gardner of RoamHowl

032: Engage your curiosity, Jennifer Gardner of RoamHowl

I really enjoy… confronting the fear… going through it, because I find that’s where life is.  It’s confronting what you’re most terrified of and working through it and getting to the other side of that. So I’m confronting my fear all the time. ~Jennifer Gardner

The thrill of the “doing”…

I met Jennifer Gardner because she took a risk. Already a litigating lawyer with a thriving private practice in Los Angeles, Jennifer (who is also an outstanding photographer BTW), decided to follow her curiosity and create a podcast, called RoamHowl. And she reached out to me, someone whose show she had heard, but whom she had never met for help in launching!

RoamHowl is a series of conversations with multi-talented, multi-passionate people doing really cool, interesting things.

Jennifer is out to discover stories and communicate them to help her listeners “find their pack” and to debunk the myth that you either are creative or you’re not, and to show that you are not defined solely by your profession — but you can in, in fact, be more.

It’s just been miles and miles of clicks that led me to this place… just curiosity, following this lead, following that lead and now, here I am!  ~Jennifer Gardner, on discovering podcasts, resources, and connections online

Connect with Jennifer…

RoamHowl Podcast

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Twitter: @jenbgardner

Facebook: @roamhowl

It’s the way I choose to be engaged with the world. I love to get a pedicure and a facial,  but those are the things that suffer. I don’t neglect my health, but pedicures and manicures? I don’t have time for that! ~Jennifer Gardner, on managing her time, professional & creative pursuits

We talk about…

Launching a podcast & working together on RoamHowl

How Jennifer balances her many passions and finds the time to accomplish so much

Confronting her fears on a daily basis to grow and experience life and how that vulnerability opens the possibility to connect with everyone she comes in contact with

Creativity in her legal work, which some people would not necessarily think of as a creative profession

Traveling to El Salvador, in risky circumstances, for her social documentary photography

Working in male-dominated fields and how she’s had to work harder than her male counterparts

Our current social/political environment and its impact on Jennifer’s legal work and on the art world

I love the adrenaline rush… I get to enter people’s lives, really examine the interior, the details, immerse myself in it, feel what it’s like, communicate about it in a passionate way and then step outside of it and go back to my own life. ~Jennifer Gardner, on the similarity between podcasting, documentary portraiture & lawyering

Resources, Links & more!

Jennifer Gardner

Lawyer. Podcast Producer. Photographer. Artist.

I am a perpetual student of life and the arts and a trial lawyer with a creative approach to helping my clients. Forever insatiably curious about the world and people in it, I created RoamHowl as a way to explore and share with you the stories of people who inspire me — multi-talented creative professionals with a unique approach to life and work.   I want to look under the hood and discover what inspires them, how they got to where they are, their fears, successes and failures.   I want to destroy the myth that “professionals” are not “creative,” and vice versa. I believe that top performers work using both sides of their brains.  So let’s find out how they became who they are today. By listening to them my goal is that we are inspired to do the next big out-of-the-box thing in our own lives.

Learn more about Jennifer Gardner here. Follow her on fb @GardnerAssociatesLawyers.

This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine.
The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong.

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