031: Your Shadow & Mine

031: Your Shadow & Mine

“When you are operating from the acceptance of your whole self, YOU get to choose your path and actions freely, because there is nothing behind you from which you are running.” ~Andrea Klunder, on liberation from the Shadow

What are all the things about yourself that you would NEVER share on social media?

Ever since editing my interview with artist Sara Zalek in Episode 030, this topic of the Shadow Self has been nagging at me because it comes up a LOT in the type of work I do and I always THINK I want to explore it but…


This Shadow is also deeply complicit with impostor syndrome to stop me from working on creating new content or developing marketing strategies or recording episodes.


For example, these days, I tell myself I’m going to work on my forthcoming Podcast Envy training program and course in the evening and then I walk through the door and feel sleepy, my head is cloudy and all I can think about is dinner, a bath and snuggling up next to my kitty to CONSUME content (rather than create.) And I end stuffing down my own shadowy self watching a newly engrossing glossy TV series about OTHER peoples’/characters’ shadow sides on Netflix or HBO… (Big Little Lies anyone?)


And then I feel like a failure.


The thing I love most and also the hardest thing about entrepreneurship and sustaining creative ventures like this podcast is that you cannot do it (and keep doing it) without at some point having to really take a hard look at yourself, delve deeply into this shadow, understand it, learn to work with it and then… grow.


I remember lamenting to one of my best friends on the phone after a particularly difficult season of rejections and failures both of personal and professional nature… “God, haven’t I grown enough yet?! I’m sick of it. When do I just get to coast?”


So what is this Shadow of which I speak? Listen to Episode 031 and find out!



“It brought up ALL the insecurities, frustration, self-doubt and anxiety over every moment I have ever felt invisible in my life.” ~Andrea Klunder

Meditation questions to ask yourself

  1. What am I most afraid of right now?
  2. What have I been putting off doing and why?
  3. What would I never want other people to know about me?
  4. What would I never want to share on social media?
  5. What have I been criticizing OTHER people for doing or not doing?
  6. What are the qualities that I admire in other people?

Recommended Books in this Episode

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford

Get them as audio books on Audible!

Resources, Links & more!

This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine.
The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong.

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Interested in Private Meditation or Podcast Coaching? Schedule a “tea break” with me and we’ll connect for 20min to create a vision & strategy.



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