CI114: Strive to be a global citizen with Sarah Mikutel

CI114: Strive to be a global citizen with Sarah Mikutel

I think we should all strive to be a global citizen and to get past, you know, our immediate doorstep.

~Sarah Mikutel, Postcard Academy

Sarah Mikutel is back! This time, for her Creative Impostor close-up. If you haven’t yet tuned in to our conversation over on Podcast Envy… queue up that episode immediately. On it, you’ll hear Sarah share her evolution from avid podcast listener to creator of two+ shows: Postcard Academy, Podcasting Step-By-Step, and a *secret* one that takes niche podcasting to the next level*.   

For this show, Sarah treats us to some lyrical, sensory-laden armchair travel. If, like me, you’re aching to feel the excitement of landing in a foreign country again, Sarah’s origin story of sorts will spark creative daydreaming. Her predictions for post-pandemic wanderings will prompt you to revisit that travel vision board you shelved way back in March. 

What sets Postcard Academy apart from other travel-focused media is the lens through which Sarah presents her stories. Her narrative exists outside the Eat, Pray, Love trope, the lost soul that – for better or worse – has become the defacto persona of many female-driven works. Instead, she provides an alternative viewpoint, a fun and informative guide for the average traveler.

“I like to feature women, and we talk about their adopted city and how they made it happen and get their insider food and culture tips.”

Continued below…

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Article Continued

It was like a spiritual experience to have this with her and to be walking these streets where our ancestors came from.”

~Sarah Mikutel

An expat herself, Sarah’s dual citizenship (by way of Italy) and her prime home base (an hour outside of London) meant easy access to the EU and beyond before COVID. Still, she’s optimistic about the future of travel for a good reason. Humans have a history of getting back to normal after a crisis – or at least devising clever workarounds to support their individual goals.

Sarah’s goal is to continue where she left off, growing as a global citizen and sharing the adventure with her listeners. 

*Want the details on Sarah’s *secret* show? Then, you know where to go: Podcast Envy!

Mentioned in this episode: The Creative Impostor episode featuring Lisa James.

Connect with Sarah


Postcard Academy 

Podcasting Step-By-Step




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